Whether you are trying to relax for managing weight, trying to calm nerves from wedding planning stress, or you are simply aiming to have a more peaceful life, here are the 5 best ways to center yourself.
1. Water
Whether you take a bath, swim in the ocean, soak your feet, sit and look at a lake, or walk in the rain, water can both literally and figuratively wash your worries away.
2. Aromatherapy
An oil diffuser is my favorite type of way to enjoy the calming effects of aromatherapy. However, over the past several years I’ve gradually expanded my use of essential oils as I’ve experienced the wide range of benefits. My oil diffuser is an essential part my bedtime ritual and I use it every night. For relaxing and calming my mind after a busy day, I typically only use lavender, but will occasionally add chamomile or jasmine.
3. Stretching
I write about stretching a lot, and that is because I believe it is such an important part of healthy living. Just 3 minutes will leave you feeling calm, relaxed, and less achy.
4. Deep Breathing
Take 12 deep breaths. Start out by doing 3 deep breaths 4 times. Sit up straight or stand. Slowly breathe in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. When I am tense or stressed I sometimes realize that I am holding my breath. This technique has always helped me feel calm and relaxed.
5. Meditation
Meditation is a wonderful way to relieve nerves. A simple way to meditate is to lie down flat and focus on your breaths and relaxing your muscles. I will start at the top of my head and work down to my feet. For example, I will consciously relax my jaw and facial muscles, then my shoulders, then my arms and fingers, and continue this until I get to my toes. I’m surprised every time by how I could be so unaware of how tight I was holding my muscles.